In recent years, I have gained administrative, managerial, and organizational experience in various positions. I have also (co-)organized and promoted several events in Jewish studies. It motivates me to bring together academics and non-academics of different backgrounds around a shared passion and interest. This facilitates the exchange of knowledge and expertise between experts and non-experts, science and a wider audience.
Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum Foundation

Since April 2022, I am the secretary of the board of the Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum Foundation. Under the responsibility of this board, books in the series of the same name are published with Brill. As secretary, I handle the board’s correspondence and take minutes of board meetings. I am also involved in organizing events around book publications, such as the recent symposium-cum-Masterclass “Understanding Judaism: New Approaches to Rabbinic Literature” (March 20-21, 2023), which was organized on the occasion of the publication of CRINT 16. I also manage the account @CRINT_series at X (formerly Twitter).
Nederlands Genootschap voor Joodse Studiën

Since April 2019, I am a member of the board of the Nederlands Genootschap voor Joodse Studiën (Dutch Society for Jewish Studies). This society aims to bolster the field of Jewish studies in the Netherlands by organizing a yearly public event for researchers in this field, by informing them about relevant activities and developments, and to promote the interests of this field. As a board member, I co-organize events of the NGJS. I also manage the website
Secretary of the University Board of the PThU

From June 1, 2020 to July 14, 2021, I was employed as a secretary of the University Board at the Protestant Theological University. In this capacity, I organized meetings of this Board with staff members, committees, and external partners, wrote minutes, and kept the administration. I also provided assistance at academic events. In addition, I acted as the secretary of the Strategic Planning Committee, which developed the new strategic plan of the PThU and organized its meetings and consultations.
Project Manager Moral Compass Project

From January to May 2020, I served as the interim project manager of the Moral Compass Project at the Protestant Theological University. This long-term research project examines the transcendent good in today’s morally relativistic society. As a project manager, I was mainly responsible for preparing and organizing the internal meetings of the project team, the three-day expert meeting “Recognizing a Transcendent Good” (March 26–28, 2020; postponed due to the COVID19-pandemic), and meetings with societal and church partners.
Jonge Judaici

From February 2017 to June 2020, I served as a board member of Jonge Judaici. Jonge Judaici is a platform for junior researchers in the field of Jewish studies in the Netherlands. It aims to strengthen the network of these junior researchers by means of internal meetings and to increase the visibility of this field for a wider audience by means of an annual public event. As a board member, I co-organized and promoted our activities. Next to our internal meetings, I co-organized the following public events: “Joodse Studies on Tour” [“Jewish Studies on Tour”] (June 16, 2017), “Verfilmd, geschilderd, beschreven: Jodendom en Gender” [“Filmed, Painted, Described: Judaism and Gender”] (May 27, 2018), “Nacht van het Jodendom: Vervolging en Verzet” [“Night of Judaism: Persecution and Resistance”] (March 7, 2019), and “Nacht van het Jodendom: Feesten en rituelen” [“Night of Judaism: Festivals and Rituals”] (March 23, 2020; postponed due to the COVID19-pandemic). Additionally, as treasurer, I was responsible for managing our finances and writing grant applications.
Abel Tasman Art Prize Committee

As a former winner of the Abel Tasman Art Prize (2006), I served on the Abel Tasman Art Prize Committee from December 2012 through September 2014. This committee organized an art competition for young people in the municipality of Westerkwartier (Groningen, the Netherlands) as well as the trip of the Tasmanian winner (of the Tasmanian counterpart of the prize) in the Netherlands. Next to co-organizing this competition and trip, I increased the public visibility of the prize. I gave presentations at secondary schools and managed the Abel Tasman Art Prize Facebook-pagina.