Invited Papers
- Oegema, Albertina. “A Response to Susanne Scholz, ed. Doing Biblical Masculinity Studies as Feminist Biblical Studies: Critical Interrogations. Hebrew Bible Monographs 107. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2023.” Response written for the International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Amsterdam, July 31, 2024 (due to personal circumstances read by Dr. Martijn Stoutjesdijk).
- Oegema, Albertina. “The Legacy of Yehuda Aschkenasy and His Students: Studying Rabbinic Literature in Dialogue with the New Testament in the Netherlands and Flanders.” Response written for the International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Amsterdam, July 29, 2024 (due to personal circumstances read by Prof. Lieve Teugels).
- Oegema, Albertina. “De rabbijnse geschriften als context van het Nieuwe Testament” [“Rabbinic Literature as a Context of the New Testament”]. Paper presented at the symposium “Contexten van het Nieuwe Testament” [“Contexts of the New Testament”] of the Studiosorum Novi Testamenti Conventus. Utrecht, June 12, 2023.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Age Dynamics in the Fables of Babrius and Early Christian and Rabbinic Parables.” Paper presented at the international workshop “Mit neuer Muse – Babrios: Grundlagen, Zugänge, Perspektiven” / “With New Muse – Babrius: Basics, Approaches, Perspectives” at the University of Graz. Graz, May 12, 2023.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Ageing and the Elderly in Early Christianity and Early Rabbinic Judaism: Luke’s Account of Zechariah and Elisabeth as a Case Study.” Paper presented at the Amsterdam New Testament Colloquium. Amsterdam, May 20, 2022.
- Oegema, Albertina. “The Father as Provider of His Children in Early Rabbinic and New Testament Parables.” Paper presented at the Amsterdam New Testament Research Colloquium. Amsterdam, February 23, 2018.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Familierelaties in joodse en christelijke parabels” [“Family Relations in Jewish and Christian Parables”]. Paper presented at the “Nieuw Onderzoek Dag” [“New Research Day”] of the Dutch Association for Jewish Studies. Amsterdam, January 21, 2016.
Conference & Seminar Papers
- Oegema, Albertina. “The Fear and Happiness of Old Men: Reading Luke’s Characterization of Zechariah in Dialogue with the Fables of Babrius.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Association of Biblical Studies. Sofia, July 18, 2024 (online).
- Oegema, Albertina. “‘Until She Learned’: The Gendered Upbringing of Children in Contexts of Marriage and Sexuality in Early Rabbinic Parables.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio (TX), November 20, 2022.
- Oegema, Albertina. “A New Beginning with Old People: The Role and Representation of Zechariah, Elisabeth, and Anna in the Gospel of Luke.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Overseas Research. Chicago, November 17, 2023.
- Oegema, Albertina. “On Angry Fathers and Distressed Sons: Emotional Rhetoric in Tannaitic Parables.” Paper presented at the Twelfth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies. Frankfurt, July 17, 2023.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Marriage, Age, and Sexuality in Babrius’s Fables and in Early Christian and Rabbinic Parables.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Association of Biblical Studies. Siracusa, July 13, 2023.
- Oegema, Albertina. “The Injuries and Disabilities of Children in Early Rabbinic Parables.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Denver, November 21, 2022.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Processes of Elderly Marginalization in Early Rabbinic Literature.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Overseas Research. Online, October 20, 2022; Boston, November 18, 2022.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Filial Masculinities in Tannaitic Parables.” Paper presented at the conference “Parables and Their Reception: Towards a New Paradigm for Interpreting the Parables.” Oslo, September 28, 2022.
- Oegema, Albertina. “The Emotions of Sons in Early Rabbinic Parables.” Paper presented at the World Congress of Jewish Studies. Jerusalem, August 10, 2022.
- Oegema, Albertina. “The Marginalisation of the Elderly in Early Rabbinic Literature.” Paper presented at the conference “Conceptualizing Old Age in Ancient Jewish and Early Christian Contexts.” Amsterdam, June 2, 2022.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Taking Care of One’s Ageing Father: Crisis in the Household in Early Rabbinic Parables.” Paper presented at the PThU International Conference. Amsterdam, April 5, 2022.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Un-men, Potential Men, or Deviant Men? The Intersection of Masculinity and Social Age in Early Rabbinic Parables.” Paper presented at the SBL Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX, November 20, 2021 (online).
- Oegema, Albertina. “Negotiating Filial Agency and Paternal Authority: Misbehaving Sons in Early Rabbinic Parables.” Paper presented at the SBL International Meeting. Rome, July 3, 2019.
- Oegema, Albertina. “On Angry and Depraved Sons: Processes of Social and Religious Othering in Early Rabbinic and New Testament Parables.” Paper presented at the conference “Power of Parables.” Utrecht, June 24, 2019.
- Oegema, Albertina. “De vader-zoonrelatie in vroegrabbijnse parabels” [“The Father-Son Relationship in Early Rabbinic Parables”]. Paper presented at the NOSTER PhD Seminar Biblical Studies 2018/2019. Amsterdam, November 14, 2018.
- Oegema, Albertina. “The Child-Parent Relationship in Early Rabbinic and New Testament Parables.” Paper presented at the NOSTER Spring Conference. Driebergen, April 16, 2018.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Gender en antropologie bij Philo: De verleiding van Jozef door Potifar’s vrouw als casus (De Iosepho 40–53)” [“Gender and Anthropology in Philo: The Seduction of Joseph by Potiphar’s Wife as a Case Study (De Iosepho 40–53)”]. Paper presented at a meeting of Jonge Judaici. Amsterdam, November 8, 2017.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Children in Early Christian and Early Rabbinic Parables.” Paper presented at the NOSTER PhD Seminar Biblical Studies 2017/2018. Nijmegen, September 22, 2017.
- Oegema, Albertina, and Martijn Stoutjesdijk. “Philo en de Alexandrijnse diaspora: Nobelheid en slavernij bij Philo en Seneca” [“Philo and the Alexandrian Diaspora: Nobility and Slavery in Philo and Seneca”]. Paper presented at a meeting of Jonge Judaici. Amsterdam, February 28, 2017.
- Oegema, Albertina, Jonathan Pater, and Martijn Stoutjesdijk. “Fictional Women in Early Christian and Early Rabbinic Parables.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Association of Biblical Studies. Leuven, July 20, 2016.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Family Relations in Jewish and Christian Parables.” Paper presented at the NOSTER PhD Seminar Biblical Studies 2015/2016. Amsterdam, June 2, 2016.
- Oegema, Albertina, Jonathan Pater, and Martijn Stoutjesdijk. “Textual Criticism in Rabbinic Parables.” Paper presented at the NOSTER PhD Seminar “Methodology: How to Apply Textual Criticism in Biblical Studies?” with Prof. Emanuel Tov. Amsterdam, April 26, 2016.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Comparing Early Christian and Early Rabbinic Parables: Matthew 21:28–32 as a Case Study.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Association of Biblical Studies. Cordoba, July 15, 2015.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Family Relations in Jewish and Christian Parables.” Paper presented at the NOSTER Spring Conference. Soesterberg, May 13, 2015.
- Oegema, Albertina, and Martijn Stoutjesdijk. “Family Relations and Slavery in Jewish and Christian Parables.” Paper presented at the NOSTER PhD Seminar Biblical Studies 2014/2015. Amsterdam, May 7, 2015.
- Oegema, Albertina. “The Reception of Isa 40:15 in 4 Ezra, 2 Baruch, and Pseudo-Philo.” Paper presented at the 1st St Andrews Graduate Conference for Biblical and Early Christian Studies. St. Andrews, Scotland, June 16, 2011.
- Oegema, Albertina. “How to Study Filial Agency in Early Rabbinic Parables?.” Paper presented at the UU / TiU Parable Group Masterclass with Prof. Birgit Meyer. Utrecht, Febr. 1, 2019.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Nurturing Children: The Role of Child Provision in the Child-Parent Relationship.” Paper presented at the UU / TiU Parable Group Masterclass with Prof. Catherine Hezser. Utrecht, June 8, 2018.
- Oegema, Albertina. “The Rabbinic Appreciation of the Births of Sons and Daughters: The Parable of Mekh. R. Ishm. Pisha 16:65–67 as a Case Study.” Paper presented at the UU / TiU Parable Group Masterclass with Prof. Tal Ilan. Utrecht, May 8, 2015.
- Oegema, Albertina. “The Visionary as a Central and Intermediary Figure in Early Jewish Apocalypses.” Paper presented at the CRASIS Masterclass on Cultures of Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean. Groningen, February 10, 2012.
Departmental Talks
- Oegema, Albertina. “Comparing Babrius’ Fables and Early Christian and Rabbinic Parables: Age as a Factor of Power and Marginalization.” Paper presented at the NT Sozietät at the Faculty of Protestant Theology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Mainz, June 20, 2023.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Cultivating a Marginalized Masculinity: The Construction and Function of Filial Masculinities in Early Rabbinic Parables.” Paper presented at the STCC Seminar of the Radboud University. Nijmegen, February 11, 2022 (online).
- Oegema, Albertina. “Moving Identities: The Masculinity of Sons in Early Rabbinic Parables.” Paper presented at the lunch meeting of the research program Moving Identities at the Protestant Theological University. Amsterdam, April 19, 2021 (online).
- Oegema, Albertina. “Children ‘Talking Back’ in Early Rabbinic Parables: The Construction of ‘Talking Back’ in the Context of Child Provision.” Paper presented at the lunch meeting of the Religious Studies research group at Utrecht University. Utrecht, April 18, 2018.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Family Relations in Jewish and Christian Parables.” Paper presented at the research colloquium of the Religious Studies research group at Utrecht University. Utrecht, March 14, 2016.
Invited Public Audience Lectures
- Oegema, Albertina. “Wie is de baas in huis? Joodse families in laatantieke parabels.” Paper presented at the conference “Jews at Home: From Creation to Corona.” Leiden, December 7, 2023.
- Oegema, Albertina. “Vaders en zoons in rabbijnse parabels” [“Fathers and Sons in Rabbinic Parables”]. Paper presented for the giyur-group of the liberal Jewish community Beit Ha’Chidush in the Netherlands. March 27, 2023 (online).
- Oegema, Albertina. “Vaders en zoons in vroegrabbijnse parabels” [“Fathers and Sons in Early Rabbinic Parables”]. Paper presented at the Utrecht Religion Forum. Utrecht, March 16, 2022 (online).
- Oegema, Albertina. “De parabel van de verloren zoon” [“The Parable of the Prodigal Son”]. Presentation & Discussion for Radboud Reflects. Nijmegen, February 21, 2022. Link: .
- Oegema, Albertina. “Workshop Hebreeuws” [“Workshop Hebrew”]. Workshop during the meeting “Laila Tov” of student association Aladdin. Utrecht, March 1, 2017.